This painter breaks the mold of painting with oils and takes it to the next level. His vision of light (i.e. highlights, shadows and midtones) is so precise. It is like peering through a magnifying glass at a quasi photograph into Geddes' world of weird angles, with a man in a diving bell/astronaut suit appearing to fall from the great heights of the sky. The positioning of the figure is often odd and disturbing and the viewer is left with a sense of unease. The detail and tones in the paintings make the viewer take a second glance because they look so real. His work continues to amaze me on so many levels. As a photographer, we are trained to see light through the viewfinder, but painting brings in a whole different level of understanding of light. My teachers used to say that some of the best photographers were painters first. I believe that.
To see more of his paintings:
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